You have always wanted to know what goes on in the mind of a leader, how they have built their career, but also, and especially, how they find talent in others, how they collaborate and what pleasure they find in "doing things together"?
We do too! This why we started "L'Instant CEO", a privileged rendezvous to introduce you to these inspiring profiles from our community. A sincere discussion, a moment of truth, a feedback that you will never find anywhere else.
After Amandine de Souza (04) @ BHV/Eataly and Gianni Pulli (98) @ Google Customers Solutions, come and meet Patrice Louvet (86), President and CEO of Ralph Lauren. In light of a background that has led him from managing international brands on three continents at P&G Beauty to driving the global strategy of Ralph Lauren, he'll share his insight on how to make an iconic brand resonate today for consumers globally.
The interview will be conducted by Brieux Férot (04), Development Director of the independent media group So Press (Society, So Foot, So Good, Big Bang, L'Etiquette ...).
A unique moment you cannot miss (no replay so that everything we share can stay between us!).
See you there,
Eva Mollat du Jourdin (98),
ESCP Alumni Executive Director.