The Purchasing & Supply Chain Management Group is pleased to invite you to its next webinar about ESG.
ESG is a very hot topic across Excos and Boards.
Yet, it is not always clear how it will impact companies and particularly how supply chains will play a key role in that fast-forward transformation.
European regulation CSRD will start in Jan 2024, impacting directly 50,000 companies, and indirectly 23 million suppliers.
How does it work ? Who is impacted? How? What challenges should I anticipate? How can we turn that into concrete business opportunities?
This is what we are to discuss during this webinar with:
- Thierry Fausten (EMBA 06), Co-founder & CEO of Informed Decisions
- Alexandre Lheritier (ESCP 03), Co-founder & CEO of Koaloo.FI
Our discussions will be conducted in English.
We look forward to seeing you online,
Your delegates from the Purchasing & Supply Chain Management Group,
Thierry Fausten (EMBA 06), Kévin Blaze (MS 15) & Cyril Servenay (EMBA 19).