Dear Alumni,
We are also preparing actively our 5th annual event, the 2019 Entrepreneur Challenge that will take place on Dec 4th at Alliance Française.
Infos at apply at, email
Please note that, for this meeting, there is a non-refundable $20 participation fee ($25 at the door if there is any room left) to cover the renting cost of the venue and including one drink (any type). Additional drinks will be available for purchase (cash bar formula.)
Important: If for any reason you could not attend the networking event after your registration, please inform your delegate as soon as possible, as we need to have an accurate networking list and prepare the name badges accordingly.
AAGEF Ontario includes alumni from the following Elite French Graduate Schools: Arts et Métiers Paris Tech, Ecoles Centrales, EDHEC, EM Lyon, Grenoble Ecole de Management, ENA, ENS Normale Sup, ESSEC, ESCP Europe, INSEAD, Mines-Télécom, HEC Paris, Ecole Polytechnique Paris, ENPC Paris Tech, Sciences Po Paris, Supaéro, Supélec , Agro Uniagro Paris Tech, ENSTA Paris Tech, Chimie Paris Tech, ENSAE Paris Tech, Sup Optique Paris Tech, ESPCI Paris Tech.
AAGEF Ontario also includes alumni having participated in an exchange with one of AAGEF Ontario graduate schools, Honorary Members and sponsored Alumni Friends from other leading international universities.
Our Mission
To improve the recognition of the Elite French Graduate Schools among the Ontario Business Community
To facilitate and promote networking between our members and alumni from leading Ontario and Canadian Graduate Schools ( Engineering, Management, Public Administration ) as well as with alumni from any other leading universities around the world or members of prestigious business clubs in Toronto. In short , we are linking international business leaders in Ontario together
Remember to bring your business cards !
Watch the video of last year's Entrepreneur Pitch Event :
Visit our website: